
Saturday, February 1, 2025
విశ్వ భాష‌ON MUSIC : Musings by B NARASINGA RAO




Music is universal. It does not have any boundaries. The existence of it is always there at the threshold of our senses.

‘Music’ is magical. It is critical to remember the functional variants in music. The 24 hours of a day is divided into specifically different smaller units. For each and every unit there is a specific ‘raga’. Not just that, music is divided into many phases and every phase has its own specific notation and dynamics. It is very soothing and enjoyable but at times it could be loud and thunderous too.


If I don’t stop writing now, my pen shall never stop…specially when it comes to the subject of my interest, music

One can use the flexibility to stretch it to the maximum extent possible. Sometimes it also folds neatly and gradually into silence. Music is universal. It does not have any boundaries. The existence of it is always there at the threshold of our senses. Each and every one is familiar with it but in their own unique way. Each and every corner of the world has its own musical traditions. Once you start loving music, your thirst for it takes you to faraway lands.

Music has been developed by human beings in the very beginning of all their inventions.

When I feel, what I am hearing now is a raga, another person can feel it is actually a symphony. People from different parts of the world have a different kind of taste and perception for music. Every variant of it is great because they come from the heart of the musicians.

Music can be divided into two; instrumental and vocal. They can also go hand in hand in a single musical piece. Whether a musician is singing or playing an instrument, the experience of the audience will more or less be the same. At the time of singing or playing an instrument, the musician completely transcends into his dream world. The audiences too enjoy the music , as well as the mood created by the musician.

Music is a gift especially for all musicians. For the listeners it is a boon. Music is just a part of nature. Nature is everything for humans. Actually speaking music and nature are interrelated not only for human beings but for the entire world which responds to it effectively.

B.Narasing Rago is an artist at heart and director in vision. Produced many notable works of books and memorable movies. He is a painter of words and images and he is a prominent Telupu personality whose works are a great reference to Telangana history, culture and arts. He lives and works from Hyderabad.


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